Does TV make you eat more??

We all need downtime. Often this involves watching TV. And what’s better than a snack while doing so?

Clearly a rhetorical question, but a group in the Netherlands recently studied how much people eat while watching TV. You will not be surprised that people who ate while watching TV spent more total time eating each day. I say not surprising because TV is a distraction, making us anything but present or mindful. Plus, the things people tend to eat while co-consuming media are tasty, calorie-dense, ultra-processed items that keep you reaching for more.

Mindless consumption can easily lead to 500+ excess calories in a day, thwarting efforts to improve metabolic health.

Here are two suggestions if this situation resonates with you:

  1. Focus on mindful eating. When you eat, you should be sitting at the table, focused on your meal, not rushing. Think about taste, texture, and, most importantly, when you feel satiated. Do not pair eating with other activities, especially TV or sitting at a desk trying to work.
  2. Pair TV (or other media) with health-promoting activities, like Zone 2 cardio (moderate intensity aerobic exercise to a heart rate target of about 180 minus your age). Most people complain that cardio is “boring,” making it a perfect partner for distraction. Put the bike or treadmill in front of the TV and watch your favourite 30-60min show. Time will seem to go faster as you get healthier and entertained at the same time. You’ll find you even look forward to these sessions.